Elevate Philanthropy ™
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Donors + Constituents

Prospect Research
+ Identification

Activate data to identify and cultivate your top prospects.



Graham-Pelton’s team comprises data experts who can navigate complex data systems and researchers who understand donor motivations.

Service Highlights

Database analysis

Unlock the potential within your database.

Our data analytics experts cross-reference your data with various external sources to validate your top prospects and uncover new ones. Using our proprietary Capacity Scoring Methodology, we use weighted algorithms and behavioral indicators to rank order prospects that have the capacity to give at higher levels so you have a clear understanding of your full potential.

Qualification & Vetting

Prioritize your top prospects.

Your major gift officers deserve portfolios of qualified prospects. Graham-Pelton’s sophisticated research instruments, survey tools, and statistical analysis provide you with a tiered list of your best prospects so you can efficiently move the most viable donors through your pipeline, shortening the time it takes to close a gift.


Approach each prospect with a clear strategy in place.

Our analysts and researchers work as a fully integrated part of each client engagement to translate statistical data into actionable strategies. Equipped with thorough, data-driven insights, your team can approach their top prospects with confidence and clarity.


You can raise more money. We can show you how.